This is heartbreaking and unbelieveable. I cannot put into words the way this makes me feel. I've read this quote here once and I LOVE IT. I find it very fitting to many situations (including this one)....
"Dear God, SAVE us from your followers"....
this just makes me ill...beating a child becaase he didn't take bible study seriously.... .
district overbeer
This is heartbreaking and unbelieveable. I cannot put into words the way this makes me feel. I've read this quote here once and I LOVE IT. I find it very fitting to many situations (including this one)....
"Dear God, SAVE us from your followers"....
i have been following the wt/pedophile issue with interest and below is the wts response presumably to the dateline programme.
they seem to present a reasonable response to what was presented on the show, but are they hiding anything?
at psalm 144:15 we read: "happy is the people whose god is jehovah!
i finally got around to browsing through yesterday's paper, and saw the above headline on page 4. unfortunately, my paper only keeps the current day's headlines on line, so i can't reprint the article (it came from canadian press, if anyone else can find it).. the article begins:.
"a calgary teen who fought blood transfusions in her losing battle with leukemia learns thursday whether the supreme court of canada will hear her case.. "the decision won't likely affect the 16 year old girl: the alberta government last week stopped forcing treatments on the dying jehovah's witness after 38 transfusions and four rounds of chemotherapy failed to stop the cancer.. "she is not expected to see her 17th birthday on aug. 20.. "but the hight court, should it hear her appeal, could proceed even after her death to clarify the rights of young people who reject medical treatment.. "'my case is about rights,' the girl, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, told a makeshift provincial court set up last week in her hospital room.".
..... there isn't anything new in the article, but there were some interesting comments.... "in a move that split the family, her father went against his wife and daughter to support the procedures.. "'how many parents would actually sit there and watch their child die?
I agree that a person should be able to make their own decisions regarding medical procedures...but I also agree that this girl was too young when these treatments began AND that her decision would be based on completely biased information. It is doubtful that she is aware of any info (health related) or that she has ever heard any theological reasoning about blood transfusions outside of the borg. A person can hardly make a sound decision regarding this issue based on what you would learn from just the WBTS.
Just my .02
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
Actually, if everyone was a JW then it's true, there would be no crimes ...... well, there would be no police officers (not allowed) and if anyone did do something, however insociable, then it would not be reported and would be covered over.
Everything would appear to be ideal. At the end of the day, all they care about is appearances so they would have their 'paradise'.
Now, that is true to the point that it is almost terrifying....
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
It has been my feelings for some time that they print things like their stuff about protecting children against child abuse or their stuff encouraging others (everyone but themselves of course) to research their beliefs, to make it seem like they are not guilty. "Hey, would we really print an article about it, if we were doing it?"..kind of mentality. Someone explained what this was called (psychological term) on another thread a while back but I can't remember what they said.
the JWs are at least as corrupt as everyone else (if not more)
Spot on. I wish my husband could see this.
gsx1138...JWs are more superstitious than anyone or any other group of people I've (personally) ever met. I mean, they are even afraid to say "God bless you" or blow out some candles on a cake. I am so thankful that my conscience isn't so seared that I can see how harmless these things really are.
i found this material on a pro-jw newsletter, and i've had this personal experience myself and know many others who have also.
before i became a jw i experienced a tremendous amount of "love" from the congregation i associated with, but once baptized they leave and move on to the next potential convert.
as a single person, i was never invited out to gatherings very much and always felt a little left out in the very clique-ish congregation that i attended.
Most persons on this board would be thrilled to have the JW's walk right by their door.
LOL...I know my life would be a heluva lot easier now, if they had never knocked on my door (and my husband hadn't have answered it)
RAVEN 101: awesome words.
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
Yet, those who do comparable acts of goodness and honesty do not have the means (nor want) to have their acts publicised.
They obviously forgot about the story of the good samaritan. Moral of the story - it isn't only God's supposedly chosen people who have consciences and morals.
Great points!!
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
gsx1138:: I may sound naive in saying this but....they make these stories up? I didn't know that. That makes it even worse, I guess. It is sad that there are people out there who believe that being a Jehovah's Witness makes you a better person. These people don't even have enough confidence in themselves to believe in themselves; believing that without the FDS their lives would be messes and that they couldn't make good judgements on their own. Also, I've had that same debate with a firm believer of the world being a better place if everyone believed in Jesus and the bible. I suppose they missed out on history.
Suzi:: You gotta appreciate that "true christian love" I, personally, couldn't do that either. I traded in a car of mine once and that car was a piece of junk. Every fluid in that car had a leak and one of the back doors would not stay shut. I had to tie the door shut (long detail of how I rigged that, so I'll spare ya). Anyhow, I figured the dealer would fix all of these things before selling it to someone else. Well, a few months later, I see the car and I am a little aquainted with the people who are driving it. So, I tell this woman that this used to be my car. Then she goes on and on about how they have had nothing but problems with it since they bought it and that the back door wouldn't open at all (I suppose the dealership had welded it Needless to say, although I was not the one who sold it to her, I felt so guilty. I'm with ya....I'm sooo happy not to be a witness too!!!!
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
Wow, Comf. I guess you're right. I guess some just need the guidance of the WTS to keep them in line...
i didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted.
this was so outrageous, i couldn't pass it up.
wt aug 15 02, back of mag, article: "do you know why i'm returning your money?":.
I didn't know where else to post this or whether or not this had already been posted. This was so outrageous, I couldn't pass it up.
WT Aug 15 02, Back of Mag, article: "Do You Know Why I'm Returning Your Money?":
"Oh, how I need money!" though Nana, a single mother of three boys living in Kaspi in the Republic of Georgia. One morning her dream of finding some came true. She found 300 lari next to the police station. There was no one around. It was quite a large sum of money. In fact, Nana had not seen a 100 lari bill in the 5 years since lari became the national currency. Local merchants would not earn that much after working for several years.
"What do I need this money for if I will lose my faith, godly fear, and spirituality?" Nana thought. She had cultivated such Christian qualities, even enduring harsh persecution and beatings for her belief.
Upon going to the police station, Nana saw five officers desperately looking for something. She realized that they were looking for the money, so she approached them and said: "Did you lose something?"
"Money," they answered.
"How much?"
"Three hundred lari!"
"I found your money," Nana said. Then she asked: "Do you know why I am returning your money?" They did not.
"Because I am one of Jehovah's witnesses," (it couldn't have possibly have been because she was a decent person and had a conscience)she contined. "If I were not, I would not have returned your money."(so, I suppose if you're ANYONE besides a JW you have no conscience and your natural born instinct would have lead you to be dishonest and keep the money)
The police chief who lost the money gave Nana 20 lari in appreciation for her honest conduct.
The story quickly spread throughout the Kaspi district. The following day, a cleaning lady who came out of the police station said to Nana: "[The chief] always keeps your literature in his office. Now he will probably appreciate it even more." One police officer even said: "If all people were Jehovah's Witnesses, who would commit crimes?"(lol....I suppose he hasn't heard about their little pedophile problem)
*NOTE: The words in italics and () are mine...
Edited by - Bona Dea on 7 July 2002 10:50:37
Edited by - Bona Dea on 7 July 2002 10:51:55